Movie Story:
The narrative revolves round Fawad Khagga, who dreams of finding a woman to love. His cousin, Durdana Butt enjoys himbut Fawad doesn’t. He belongs to some Pir and asks him to help locate the woman. Firdous Khagga wants Amal and desires her to wed her son Fawad. She sends a picture of Amal into Fawad, and he immediately falls in love with her. She speaks to Mahtaab Khagga to Acquire Amal to wed Fawad.
Movie Info:
IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Movie Type: Comedy, Romance
Running: 2h 39min
Director: Nadeem Beyg
Release Date: 31 August 2017 (USA)
Star: Mehwish Hayat, Humayun Saeed, Ahmad Ali Butt
Language: Hindi
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